Pinch To Zoom

HR Lubricating Jelly

Creative Science Product #: 75511-608

Product Description

What Is HR Lubricating Jelly Used For?

HR Lubricating Jelly is a water-soluble and sterile lubricant designed for use with animals and humans. This lubricating jelly from HR's pharmaceuticals line is an all-purpose solution, eliminating the need for multiple lubricants based on use case. It will find a home in any medical care office or breeding center for:
Surgical procedures: HR Lubricating Jelly may be necessary to place the catheters, scopes and tubes needed to keep animals stable and comfortable during medical procedures.
Device insertion: HR Lubricating Jelly is also helpful for inserting enemas, thermometers, insemination devices and fingers, preventing animal injury and discomfort.

As someone who works with animals, you may be subjected to caring for all manner of illnesses and medical situations. Having sterile lubricant on hand can keep you prepared to complete a number of minor and emergency procedures related to respiratory functions, urological or reproductive concerns and more.
How to Purchase
How to Purchase
This sterile lubricant comes in a box of 144 single-use, easy-open packets. Single-use foil packets allow for repeated sterile application to multiple animals without risking cross-contamination during sensitive operations. Each packet contains 5 grams of lubricant — enough for most procedures and use cases. The Quick Tear feature also reduces the risk of contamination prior to use and allows for direct application precisely where it's needed.

HR Lubricating Jelly is made from hypoallergenic, pharmaceutical-grade ingredients. It is non-toxic, non-staining and free of salt, alcohol, fragrance, dye and polyethylene glycol (PEG). It also prevents the growth of bacteria while in use. Apply this sterile lubricant using gloves and protective gear to prevent infection in the user.