- The Kenney Skim Milk Canine Semen Extender Kit allows you to store cooled semen for use up to 48 hours after collection
- Maintains a higher percent of forward motility over time as compared to raw semen
- Increases the insemination dose volume, minimizing spermatozoa loss in equipment
- Semen extender with antibiotic contains Gentamicin to help destroy infectious pathogens
- Available with Gentamicin Sulfate or without antibiotics
Store product at room temperature. Do not expose to elevated temperatures, high humidity or sunlight. Do not hold components from one breeding season to the next.
Store product at room temperature. Do not expose to elevated temperatures, high humidity or sunlight. Do not hold components from one breeding season to the next.
Mixing Instructions:
The semen extender with antibiotics contains buffers to yield a pH of approximately 7.0 when put into solution. The semen extender without antibiotics contains buffers to yield a pH of approximately 7.0 when used with a user supplied antibiotic.
Kenney Skim Milk Canine Semen Extender is offered with Gentamicin Sulfate or without antibiotics, for use when other antibiotics of choice are desired.
The amounts for Pen-Strep per 50 ml are:
Penicillin, Crystalline: 75,000 units
Dihydrostreptomycin, Crystalline: 75 mg
Injectable grades of Gentamicin Sulfate should not be used, as their formulation may be spermicidal. The Kenny Skim Milk Canine Semen Extenders offered by Veterinary Concepts® uses reagent grade Gentamicin Sulfate to avoid this problem.
- Add the processed powder to the sterile water. Note: For best results, the temperature of the sterile water should be raised to 100°F by placing the bottle in an incubator or a water bath prior to adding the powder.
- Before mixing semen with extender, the extender must be at 100°F to avoid cold shock to the spermatozoa.
- Decide on a desired ratio of semen to extender.
- A ratio of 1 part semen to 4 parts extender is generally recommended, but ratios between 1:1 and 1:4 are acceptable.
- Another approach is to dilute the semen so that each insemination dose contains 200 million motile spermatozoa.
- Add Kenney Skim Milk Canine Semen Extender (at 100°F) to the semen and maintain at a temperature of 100°F for no more than two hours before use.
For use within 8 hours of mixing, the mixed extender may be stored in an incubator or water bath at 100°F. The mixed extender may also be frozen (in smaller portions, if desired) in a sterile container(s) at a temperature of -5°F or lower for up to 6 months. Thaw frozen extender by placing in a water bath or an incubator at 100°F. Higher thawing temperatures my cause ingredient damage.
The semen extender with antibiotics contains buffers to yield a pH of approximately 7.0 when put into solution. The semen extender without antibiotics contains buffers to yield a pH of approximately 7.0 when used with a user supplied antibiotic.
Kenney Skim Milk Canine Semen Extender is offered with Gentamicin Sulfate or without antibiotics, for use when other antibiotics of choice are desired.
The amounts for Pen-Strep per 50 ml are:
Penicillin, Crystalline: 75,000 units
Dihydrostreptomycin, Crystalline: 75 mg
Injectable grades of Gentamicin Sulfate should not be used, as their formulation may be spermicidal. The Kenny Skim Milk Canine Semen Extenders offered by Veterinary Concepts® uses reagent grade Gentamicin Sulfate to avoid this problem.